Preventative Medicine

Your digestive system must be in good health to transport food from your mouth to your stomach, break it down, absorb nutrients, and eliminate waste. In addition to playing an essential role in preventing diseases and illnesses, your gastrointestinal system contains a multitude of microorganisms known collectively as your microbiome, which plays a vital role in preventing disease and illness. The health of your gut and the microbiome is closely linked to your digestive health, metabolic health, mental health, and even the health of your immune system.

The Microbiome and Your Immune System

Your microbiome is the collection of trillions of bacteria that reside throughout your digestive tract. The gut is home to more bacteria than all your body’s cells combined. Aside from supporting digestion, the microbiome also destroys harmful bacteria, viruses, and fungi and supports and protects your immune system.
The gut microbiome plays a vital role in developing the immune system of an infant, and then it continues to play an essential role in maintaining it as you grow. Around 80% of the immune cell production in your body occurs in the intestinal tract.

The Gut - Your Second Brain

Your gut is home to the enteric nervous system (ENS) that controls its function. ENS is interconnected with your brain, but it can also function independently without it. Because the enteric nervous system relies on the same type of neurons and neurotransmitters in the central nervous system, some medical experts call it our “second brain,” forming the gut-brain axis.
As a result of hormones and neurotransmitters, the gut-brain axis is a bidirectional communication channel between the central nervous system and our enteric nervous system linking the brain’s emotional and cognitive functions to those of the gut. It has been shown, for example, that stress and sleep affect mood and mood disorders. Stress and lack of sleep are also known to affect the dysfunction of gastrointestinal organs, leading to conditions such as Irritable Bowel Syndrome (IBS), upset stomach, constipation, hemorrhoids, and many others.
A large amount of the neurotransmitter molecules used in the brain also play a role in the gut. Approximately 85-95% of the brain’s “feel good” chemical, serotonin, is located in the enteric nervous system making it crucial for mental health and well-being.
Needle acupuncture procedure

What are the Best Preventative Measures for Improving Your Gut Health?

Gut microbiome improvement can be accomplished in a number of ways.

Eating fruits and vegetables of all colors.

The best place to begin is by focusing on eating a variety of fruit and vegetables. To improve gut health, you need “microbial diversity.”

Make your diet fiber-rich.

In addition to keeping bowel movements regular, fiber lowers cholesterol and prevents spikes in blood sugar levels.

Consume fermented foods.

You can increase the diversity of your gut microbiota by consuming fermented foods. Doing this can lower your intestine’s pH level, reducing the chances of harmful bacteria surviving. It also produces essential vitamins like B12 and K by having healthy bacteria in your gut microbiome.

Prioritize stress-reducing methods

Among the various stressors that affect your gut health is psychological, physical, metabolic, and physical stress. You can reduce your stress and anxiety by using relaxation techniques such as deep breathing and meditation, as well as by exercising regularly and getting enough sleep.

Incorporate Acupuncture and Naturopathic Medicine into Your Preventative Care

Naturopathic medicine and acupuncture can be used to treat gastrointestinal disorders and optimize the digestive system.
With acupuncture, you can produce more serotonin, which improves your mood and reduces stress. In addition, it helps relax the muscles of your digestive tract, improving your ability to absorb nutrients.
Naturopathic medicine uses natural remedies to treat and prevent illness as part of a holistic approach to treatment. Naturopathic medicine and herbal remedies are commonly administered to treat food digestion, reduce bloating, and ease abdominal pain from gastrointestinal distress. Dietary changes are also widely used in Naturopathic medicine.

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Book a free 15 minute discovery call with Dr. Kolotinsky to discuss your options of care.
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